Northern Apennine Xerobromion

Open, arid pastures developed in the thermophilous deciduous Quercus cerris-Quercus pubescens-Ostrya carpinifolia belt of the northern Apennines, south approximately to the area of the Monte della Luna, southeastern Tuscany, where they occupy arenaceous-marly substrates and come in contact with the grasslands of unit R1H3, located on limestones and much richer in Apennine endemics. At their southern limit, the northern formations are rich in chamaephytes, notably Coronilla minima, Asperula purpurea, Fumana procumbens, alongside Astragalus monspessulanus, Bromus erectus, Brachypodium pinnatum and Festuca inops.

Código Eunis 2021: R1A42I

Correspondencia con códigos EUNIS 2012

Tipo de relaciónCódigo EUNIS 2012
= El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es igual al hábitat EUNIS 2012. # El hábitat EUNIS 2021 se superpone con el hábitat EUNIS 2012. < El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es más amplio que el hábitat EUNIS 2012. > El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es menos amplio que el hábitat EUNIS 2012. en blanco Nuevo hábitat introducido sin relación