Balkano-Hellenic deciduous thickets

Varied, often species-rich, shrub formations of the temperate and sub-Mediterranean belts of the Southern and Eastern Carpathians, the Balkan Range, the Moeso-Macedonian Mountains, the Rhodope Mountains, the Pelagonides, the Pindus, the Thessalian Mountains and adjacent regions, accompanied by a flora of mostly Moesian affinities, substitution formations of Quercion frainetto (unit T196), Fagion moesiacum (unit G1.69 of EUNIS 2012 split in T177 and T185), Fagion dacicum (unit G1.6D of EUNIS 2012 split in T17B and T186), Fagion hellenicum (unit T178) and, locally, Ostryo-Carpinion aegeicum (unit T193) climax forests, generally dominated by, or rich in, Carpinus orientalis, Syringa vulgaris, Paliurus spina-christi, Cotinus coggygria or Rhus coriaria.

Código Eunis 2021: S3573

Correspondencia con códigos EUNIS 2012

Tipo de relaciónCódigo EUNIS 2012
= El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es igual al hábitat EUNIS 2012. # El hábitat EUNIS 2021 se superpone con el hábitat EUNIS 2012. < El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es más amplio que el hábitat EUNIS 2012. > El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es menos amplio que el hábitat EUNIS 2012. en blanco Nuevo hábitat introducido sin relación