Western Cistus garrigues

Shrubby formations of the western Mediterranean basin, mostly meso-Mediterranean, but often also thermo- or supra-Mediterranean, dominated by the low, calciphilous Cistus albidus or Cistus clusii, or occasionally by indifferent species, usually accompanied by a more varied flora than that of the silicicolous cistus maquis, though sometimes capable of forming dense cistus fields. These can be identified by use of digit 1 in the fourth decimal place, digit 2 being reserved for more varied formations.

Código Eunis 2021: S613

Correspondencia con códigos EUNIS 2012

Tipo de relaciónCódigo EUNIS 2012
= El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es igual al hábitat EUNIS 2012. # El hábitat EUNIS 2021 se superpone con el hábitat EUNIS 2012. < El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es más amplio que el hábitat EUNIS 2012. > El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es menos amplio que el hábitat EUNIS 2012. en blanco Nuevo hábitat introducido sin relación