Hellenic alti-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths

Shrubby formations of the high mountains of the Peloponnese, of the southern mainland Greek mountains and of the Thessalian Olympus system, colonizing the altitudinal range immediately above that occupied by the communities of S752, as well as stony slopes with shallow soil, loose screes and humus-deficient soils within the main 1700-2200 m range of these communities. Included are true spiny hedgehog-heaths, cushiony formations of dwarf suffrutescents and bush-dominated facies of stripped grasslands. Astragalus angustifolius, Acantholimon androsaceum, Astragalus lacteus, Convolvulus cochlearis, Rindera graeca, Aster alpinus, Globularia stygia, Minuartia stellata, Erysimum pusillum, Thymus teucrioides, Alyssum kionae, Paronychia kapela, Thymus hirsutus, Anthyllis aurea, Achillea ageratifolia, Sideritis scardica, Linum flavum, Thymus boissieri and Sesleria coerulans are characteristic.

Código Eunis 2021: S753

Correspondencia con códigos EUNIS 2012

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