Association with Fucus virsoides

The characteristic species of this association is the brown alga Fucus virsoides. The association, when it is present, occupies the entire mediolittoral, related to the presence of the significant tides and the relatively cool, unsalty, eutrophic water that are peculiar to these coasts. According to Giaccone (1991), this is probably a Parathetis relict. The association is basically formed by the Fucus virsoides, Gelidium spathulatum, G. pulvinatum and Phormidium flexuosum. There are also Bangia spp. and Rivularia polyotis. Patella pellucida, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Actinia equina and Balanus spp. are among the animal species found. This is really more like an infralittoral enclave, finding a favourable biotope under the Fucus fronds.

Código Eunis 2021: MA1548