Maquis, arborescent matorral and thermo-Mediterranean scrub

Evergreen sclerophyllous or lauriphyllous shrub vegetation, with a closed or nearly closed canopy structure, having nearly 100% cover of shrubs, with few annuals and some vernal geophytes; trees are nearly always present, some of which may be in shrub form. Shrubs, sometimes tall, of Arbutus, Cistus, Cytisus, Erica, Genista, Lavandula, Myrtus, Phillyrea, Pistacia, Quercus and Spartium are typical. Included is pseudomaquis, in which the dominants are mixed deciduous and evergreen shrubs.

Código Eunis 2021: S5

Correspondencia con códigos EUNIS 2012

Tipo de relaciónCódigo EUNIS 2012
= El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es igual al hábitat EUNIS 2012. # El hábitat EUNIS 2021 se superpone con el hábitat EUNIS 2012. < El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es más amplio que el hábitat EUNIS 2012. > El hábitat EUNIS 2021 es menos amplio que el hábitat EUNIS 2012. en blanco Nuevo hábitat introducido sin relación